BioSeq Utilities


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Bio-Sequence Decode Utilities in Perl


BioSeq utilities written in Perl can be used to decode biological sequences (bio-sequence in short) such as nucleotides in a nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) or amino acids representing a protein.

In most cases, a bio-sequence is represented in text format for ease of sharing. UNIX (or Linux) text tools are conveniently used to handle these sequence data. The bioseq utilities are meant to augment Linux command-line tools to assist bio-sequence-specific decoding.

Kobu.Com is good at text processing (search, modification and format conversion) especially when a large amount of documents are batch-processed. Bioinformatics requires skills in information processing as well as expertise in medicine and biology. If you are working in medicine and biology and not very confident in computing, we are ready to help you. We can help you in preparing inspection data for further analysis or submitting the data to a public online database. We can design, develop or customize tools for decoding, modifying and format-converting bio-sequences. Please feel free to contact us.

Utilities and Where You Can Get Them

Currently the following three utilities exist (in written order):

Utility Name Description
motifgrep pattern matcher searches a bio-sequence for occurences that satisfy a motif pattern
nucleamino nucleotide to amino acid converter converts a nucleotide sequence to an amino acid sequence
modshunt sequence diff compares two bio-sequences and print differences

The BioSeq utilities are published on GitHub. See on GitHub for how to setup and use the tools.

Get Code from GitHub

The rest of this page introduces the bioseq utilities using examples.

Test Data

First I describe the test data used in the rest of the page. Two types of bio-sequences of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are used to show how the utilities handle them:

They are downloaded from the NCBI online database run by NIH and others:


Sequences of two viruses are used. One is collected in Wuhan in December 2019 which is used as a reference sequence compared to variant viruses. The other is a variant virus collected in Australia in June 2020. The latter contains 'N501Y' variation said to increase infection power. For each virus, two sets of data, RNA nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequence of the spike protein, are downloaded (in Jan 2021).

Virus Sequence Type Accession File S Protein Range
RefSeq Nucleotide NC_045512.2 nuc-refseq.fasta 21563..25384
RefSeq Surface Glycoprotein YP_009724390.1 pro-refseq.fasta
Au N501Y Nucleotide MT745734.1 nuc-au-200617.fasta 21525..25346
Au N501Y Surface Glycoprotein QLG76817.1 pro-au-200617.fasta

You can download the same data from the NCBI site by specifying the accession number of the sequence.

Handling FASTA files

A FASTA format is commonly used in online bio-sequence databases such as NCBI. A FASTA file starts with a header line prefixed with '>' (comment about the sequence data) followed by one or more lines of a nucleotide or amino acid sequence.

$ cat pro-refseq.fasta
>YP_009724390.1 |surface glycoprotein [Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2]

BioSeq utilites automatically remove the header and newlines to form a single tight line of nucleobases and amino acid codes.

You may want to create a raw data file by removing the header and newlines for easy handling. The following Linux command can be used to do that:

$ tail pro-refseq.fasta -n +2 $1 | tr -d '\n' 

A shell script to call the above command exists:

$ rawfasta pro-refseq.fasta

The rawfasta script can be used between pipes:

$ cat pro-refseq.fasta | rawfasta | cut -c 3-5

ModsHunt - Comparing Two Sequences

ModsHunt can be used to compare sequence data.

The following command compares the spike proteins of the Wuhan and Australia viruses:

$ modshunt papro-refseq.fasta pro-au-200617.fasta


The comparison result shown is the source seuqence intermixed with differences:

Difference Description Remark
{260^AGAAAYYVGY/XXXXXXXXXX} Ten amino acides are deleted
{501^N/Y} The 501'th amino acid changed from N to Y N501Y
{614^D/G} The 614'th amino acid changed from D to G D614Y

You can show both sequences in parallel using the -fd format option:

$ modshunt -fd pro-refseq.fasta pro-au-200617.fasta

                                                 260       270
                                                 260       270



You can output the difference data suitable for input to another program, such as a viewer, in a tab-separated format (-ft) or in Json format (-fj): In addition, -fx format option can be used to show in tab-separated format but with shorter strings for debugging purpose.

The next example compares the spike protein portion cut from the entire nucleotide sequences from Wuhan and Australia with -fx option:

$ cut -c 21563-25384 nuc-refseq.fasta >
$ cut -c 21525-25346 nuc-au-au-200617.fasta >
$ modshunt -fx
sync    1+777       1+777       "ATGTTTGTTTTTCTT..."    "ATGTTTGTTTTTCTT..."
diff    778+28      778+28      "GCTGGTGCTGCAGCT..."    "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..."
sync    806+695     806+695     "ATCTTCAACCTAGGA..."    "ATCTTCAACCTAGGA..."
diff    1501+1      1501+1      "A"                     "T"
sync    1502+339    1502+339    "ATGGTGTTGGTTACC..."    "ATGGTGTTGGTTACC..."
diff    1841+1      1841+1      "A"                     "G"
sync    1842+1981   1842+1981   "TGTTAACTGCACAGA..."    "TGTTAACTGCACAGA..."

See a summary of the differences below. You see the differences correspond to the amino acid variations seen above before:

Position Variation in Nucleotides Corresponding Variation in Amino Acids
778'th character 28 nucleobases are deleted 10 amino acids are deleted
1501'th character Nucleobase A changed to T N501Y (AAT>TAT)
1841'th character Nucleobase A changed to G D614Y (GAT>GGT)

You see counts of deleted nucleobases and amino acids do not match.

At the end, the same -fx option is used to compare entire genomes of coronavirus:

$ -fx nuc-refseq.fasta nuc-au-200617.fasta
del     1+38         1+0          "ATTAAAGGTTTATAC..."    ""
sync    39+202       1+202        "ACTTTCGATCTCTTG..."    "ACTTTCGATCTCTTG..."
diff    241+1        203+1        "C"                     "T"
sync    242+2795     204+2795     "GTCCGGGTGTGACCG..."    "GTCCGGGTGTGACCG..."
diff    3037+1       2999+1       "C"                     "T"
sync    3038+11370   3000+11370   "TACCCTCCAGATGAG..."    "TACCCTCCAGATGAG..."
diff    14408+1      14370+1      "C"                     "T"
sync    14409+7931   14371+7931   "TACAAGTTTTGGACC..."    "TACAAGTTTTGGACC..."
diff    22340+28     22302+28     "GCTGGTGCTGCAGCT..."    "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..."
sync    22368+695    22330+695    "ATCTTCAACCTAGGA..."    "ATCTTCAACCTAGGA..."
diff    23063+1      23025+1      "A"                     "T"
sync    23064+339    23026+339    "ATGGTGTTGGTTACC..."    "ATGGTGTTGGTTACC..."
diff    23403+1      23365+1      "A"                     "G"
sync    23404+3580   23366+3580   "TGTTAACTGCACAGA..."    "TGTTAACTGCACAGA..."
diff    26984+1      26946+1      "C"                     "T"
sync    26985+1211   26947+1211   "CATCTAGGACGCTGT..."    "CATCTAGGACGCTGT..."
diff    28196+1      28158+1      "T"                     "C"
sync    28197+684    28159+684    "TGTTCGTTCTATGAA..."    "TGTTCGTTCTATGAA..."
diff    28881+3      28843+3      "GGG"                   "AAC"
sync    28884+968    28846+968    "GAACTTCTCCTGCTA..."    "GAACTTCTCCTGCTA..."
del     29852+52     29814+0      "AGCTTCTTAGGAGAA..."    ""

NucleoAmino - Nucleotide to Amino Acid Conversion

NucleoAmino takes a part or whole of a nucleotide sequence, assumes the data as codes that encode a protein, and converts the data to an amino acid sequence.

The next command converts the spike protein portion of the nucleotide sequence of the Wuhan virus to an amino acid sequence. The conversion range can be specified with -s option:

$ -s21563-25384 nuc-refseq.fasta


MotifGrep - Identifying Occurrences of a Seuqence Pattern

You cannot simply compare two sets of genomes (DNA or RNA) or amino acid sequence even if they came from the same species because one or more nucleobases and amino acids can disappear or be added.

NCBI data are adjusted based on the Wuhan virus (RefSeq). Otherwise you need some measure to determine the corresponding parts by, for example, using a pattern of a portion that is relatively constant among many variants.

MotifGrep allows you to find a part that matches a pattern of a nucleotide or amino acid sequence. Such a pattern is called a motif (sequence motif). Here are some examples:

I show you an example where MotifGrep is used to find a variation so called 'N501Y' within a spike protein's amino acid sequence.

In a research article that compares the first SARS and the current SARS-2 viruses, a comparison chart of the spike protein's amino acid sequences shows not-very-fast-changing parts in red:


Is the Rigidity of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor-Binding Motif the Hallmark for Its Enhanced Infectivity? Insights from All-Atom Simulations
(Angelo Spinello, Andrea Saltalamacchia, and Alessandra Magistrato)

I used a motif pattern (YGFxxTx) appearing just before the N501Y variation (501'th amino acid) and used the pattern to find the corresponding parts of the data I have:

$ motifgrep YGFxxTx pro-refseq.fasta
$ motifgrep YGFxxTx pro-au-200617.fasta

You see the 501'th amio acid changed from N to Y.

MotifGrep can convert an amino acid pattern to nucleotide pattern in order to search nucleobases as a protein coding region:

$ motifgrep -n YGFxxTx nuc-refseq.fasta
$ motifgrep -n YGFxxTx nuc-au-200617.fasta

You see the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the 501'th amino acid seen before changed from AAT to TAT.

Off course you can simply search a nucleotide sequence by a nucleotide pattern.

$ motifgrep TATGGTTTCCAACCCACTAAT nuc-refseq.fasta
$ motifgrep TATGGTTTCCAACCCACTTAT nuc-au-200617.fasta

This is the end of introduction of the BioSeq utilities which help decoding of bio-sequences such as nucleotide sequences in a nucleic acid (RNA/DNA) or amino acid sequences of a protein.

Feel free to contact us for questions, problem reports, improvement requests and cusomization requests.

Appendix: ModsHunt's Execution Time

For your curiosity, here are ModsHunt's execution times measured with the first and revised versions of the code:

File Size 2021/02/09 2021/02/19 Remark
pro-xxxx.fasta 1383 Less than one second - Amino acid sequence of the spike protein 3823 Ten seconds Five seconds nucleotide sequence for the spike protein
nuc-xxxx.fasta 30500 Eleven minutes Seven minutes Entire Genome

Test execution environment:

It took eleven minutes to compare entire coronavirus genome with the first version (02/09). It was reduced to seven minutes by removing unnecessary code without adding concurrency (02/19). There are some places available for concurrency. I am working on it.

Written: 2021/02/08
Updated: 2021/02/20
