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HonkyTalk - Private multimedia communcation

HonkyTalk TechnologyTM is a peer-to-peer private communication infrastructure or framework invented by Kobu.Com. HonkyVoice voice chat application and HonkyCenter voice message center for HonkyVoice users were developed with HonkyTalk Technology.

Kobu.Com offers the underlying technology used to build HonkyVoice and HonkyCenter to Java application developers.

We are seeking for partner relationship with companies that hope to do business based on HonkyTalk technology and its related products.


The peer-to-peer communication of HonkyTalk Technology enables a secret communication via direct UDP packet exchange between parties known to each other with mail addresses. It is completely different from other peer-to-peer technologies such as Napstar or Gnutella used to distribute musics and files among anonymous mass.

No intervening servers

No session management servers nor packet relay servers are required. You don't have to worry about speed decrease even if the number of your application users increases; you have no server bottle necks.

For example, the Yahoo Messager voice chat feature uses a TCP relay server. Yahoo Japan seems to run at least five relay servers to provide voice chat service. I bet they are super high-performance machines running in super high-bandwidth networks.

You don't need such investment to run HonkyTalk applications.

Privacy protection

Your application users feel safe because absense of intervening servers means no threats to privacy violation.

Leakage of personal information never happens since no servers store session information on the Internet. Eavesdropping is difficult too because the parties can communicate directly.

There are optional features of user authentication by ticket exchange and SSL-equivalent encrypted data exchange. You can easily setup a Virtual Private Link (VPL) any time anywhere with the desired person.

Highly successful NAT traversal

The NAT traversal enables devices on LANs with private addresses behind a broadband router communicate over the Internet. NAT traversal is generally difficult when used with UDP-based applications. HonkyTalk is successful in NAT traversal in high probability.

For example, the MSN Messanger voice chat feature, which performs direct UDP communication, is not capable of NAT traversal by itself. You have to install UPnP-enabled routers on both sides, or you have to setup your environment so that a global address is dedicated to a single PC in the LAN. In the latter case, only one user can use MSN messenger if you have only one global address, which is a typical case in a home or small office.

HonkyTalk's NAT traversal technique works with many popular models of broadband routers without requiring special environmental setup. Further, more than one PC on the LAN can use your application simultaneously.


Java has several benefits; development work is easy, familiarity with Internet, variety of API's, deployable to a variety of platforms.

Because you can develop your applications in Java, HonkyTalk applications can receive these benefits.

Typical applications

With HonkyTalk technology, you can build a variety of Internet applications including private multimedia communication like HonkyVoice and person-to-person business collaboration among others.

Private communication

You can build a fast and flexible communication application that require no session management or data relay server.


With the advantage of HonkyTalk Technology where you can setup a secure and direct communication link with the desired person any time anywhere, provided you have some Internet connection, you can enjoy ad-hoc collaboration. You can build a person-to-person interaction business application, such as, a travelling employee can talk to his/her boss in the office or another employee also travelling in other place without help of any intervening server.

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Updated 2008 Oct 13